This illustration accompanies Ruth Terry's New York Times article of the 29th of October 2020 on being an active bystander when encountering casual racism.
This illustration accompanies Ruth Terry's New York Times article of the 29th of October 2020 on being an active bystander when encountering casual racism.
This illustration accompanies Ruth Terry's New York Times article of the 29th of October 2020 on being an active bystander when encountering casual racism.
This illustration accompanies Ruth Terry's New York Times article of the 29th of October 2020 on being an active bystander when encountering casual racism.
Soupez! Soupez!
252 pages, 16,5 x 24 cm, cmyk + 2 Pantones
Soupez! Soupez! written by dancer and choreographer Karin Post, invites you to dine with the dancers. This cookbook is the printed proof that dancers do eat and love food.
The design ties interviews, stories, recipes and images together by exploring the Laban dance notation. This notation, used to set choreographies on paper, is a complex system of symbols and partitions directing the dancers smallest move. Dancing,
cooking and designing are all three precise choreographies which need working grids. On this common turf Soupez! Soupez! took form. The pages are divided in two parts:
One for the interviews and one for the recipes, giving a greater clarity and practicality to the book. Images of food and of dance punctuate the text flow in Laban symbols creating rhythm. Collaboration with photographer Oof Verschuren gave a beautiful set of images to accompany the "maaltijden" recipes.
Designed while at studio Roosje Klap, Amsterdam